I have just returned from a trip to the UK. I booked the flight through the Iberia website and was surprised to find that the flight was not an Iberia flight but operated through Clickair - a budget airline which Iberia have a 20% stake in. The flight was a good price €160 all in, so I wasn't too worried.
Until the flight was delayed.
There was apparently an indefinite delay at Seville. After 4.5 hours, at 6 o'clock, they told us the flight would not go till 10.00 so a lot of people left the airport for something to eat. About 5 minutes later they said the flight was going NOW, and we were rushed through. Well, those that were left.
Rushed not onto the plane, but onto a bus and then driven around Seville Airport for 20 minutes! People who appeared to know about these things said it is common practice with delayed flights to do this. Compensation is payable after 5 hours and this is timed not to the time of take-off but the time you are checked through the final check at the gate. Therefore although we didn't take off until over 5 hours over the scheduled time, our trip round the airport meant that we didn't qualify for compensation. Hmmmm. I don't know about this - but it did seem strange to be going quite so many times round the Seville airport perimeter!
I also wonder about the message we were given about flight not going till 10, as surely the plane must have been at the airport when this was given. Was it happy co-incidence that the plane that they replaced the broken plane with was much smaller than the original and that there were many less people to go on it as many people had left the airport?
Obviously this meant that I missed the last coach to Bournemouth, however luckily have some friends who have just moved near Heathrow so I was able to give them a call. Needless to say I had not paid any attention to where I was - not even knowing which terminal I had come in at so they told me to stay where I was and they would find me. I was by the arrivals section and I noticed that a man with exactly the same suitcase as me kept sidling up to me and looking at me in a meaningful way. I kept thinking that he was going to tell me that red-fox was running or something equally spy-like. I ignored him, thinking that if he was a spy he was pretty rubbish - and how unlucky that they picked on a case like mine for the 'drop'. All of a sudden
another man with the same case poked his head out of the Arrivals hall and started bellowing at the first man. At this stage I any thoughts of them being spys went out the window - I am sure even the most inept spy would not shout across heathrow for the man to come and change the b****dy case.
What had happened I guess, was man 1 had taken the wrong case and was told to come back and change it. He thought he was supposed to swap with me and I ignored him. Man 2 was patiently waiting for his case to be returned and finally cracked with impatience and decided to make his presence known in no uncertain terms.
Anyway - sucker for punishment that I am I have booked another flight with clickair for later this month. I wonder how eventful that flight will be!