Friday, January 19, 2007

I've never been able to touch my toes.

A fact which I have managed to live with for probably half of my life and one which I feel I will quite happily live with for the rest.

However I appear to be alone in this, as the latest quest of the physio department is to return me to a state of bendiness previously unattainable. Until I am able to fold myself double I believe I will remain in the vice like clutches of the physio department.

I am also being taught to walk with a deportment which would please even the most finicky of finishing schools. Happily to help me with my walking they mimic how I walk currently - my broken ankle appears to have turned me into Quasimodo.

Quite frankly I'd be happy to have a small limp - but no. When they have finished with me I will be able to balance the most precious of faberge eggs on my head whilst lurking around the belltower.

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