Friday, March 16, 2007

Homemade Cottage Cheese

MmmMmmmm, I hear you murmur.

One thing that I miss is cottage cheese. Strange as I never really knew that I liked it so much! We've not seen it in any shops - and admittedly I've not been on a complete mission to find it, I can pretty confidently report that it is not available within a 50km radius.

So I thought I'd make some, however milk is really difficult to buy. UHT milk with vitamins, soya, rice milk, added calcium etc falls off the shelves, however pure un-UHT'd milk is neigh on impossible (within local s/markets anyway) to find. This isn't really a surprise. This is not a dairy area, and whilst there are one or two cows wondering around the fields, it is certainly more normal to see sheep.

Ignoring instructions which clearly stated that making cottage cheese with UHT milk won't work, I pressed on. I found myself presented, instead of a saucepan of lovely fluffy cottage cheese, with saucepan of slime.

I referred again to my how-to-make-cottage-cheese instructions, and saw that powdered milk would work - as long as it wasn't UHT.

Therefore my last visit to the UK saw me returning, struggling with a case full of powdered milk, and this weekend I experienced milk alchemy as I turned the powdered milk into something which, with eyes shut and not smelling it, might in some small way resemble cottage cheese.

Ian, bless him, has kindly offered not to eat any so there is all the more for me. I am sure that this is what he meant when he said 'no ^%$$% way' when offered some.


Midnight Golfer said...
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Midnight Golfer said...

I was rummaging through the cupboard for something to snack on and pulled out a can of pineapple. It then dawned on me that I really should find some cottage cheese to go with it.
Then I realized that I hadn't even seen any since moving from the U.S. to Spain.
Then, I searched for it on the internet, and found your blog.

It's a small world after all.