Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cat Ops

Our two lady cats went to the vet on Tuesday to be neutered. Needless to say this wasn't entirely smooth running as due to a mix up we took them the week before. The cats weren't desperately happy as they had been starved for 12 hours before their non-existent op, and Ian was equally grumpy as he got up at 5 in the morning to take their food up (the ops take place at 5 in the evening so the animals recover during the cool of the night).

Oh yes - how did we get the date muddled up for op? Quite simple. SI is the word for IF and YES, with the subtle difference of a ' which can't be seen if typed in CAPS. So we thought they were saying 'yes it is possible' and in fact he was saying 'if it is possible'. Sigh.......

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