Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ankle update

I’ve not mentioned my ankle recently – which is probably good news. There is only so much you can say about an ankle, and I was getting close to the limit.

I am now walking unaided and I don’t think I am limping much. The only problem that I have at the moment is that because the swelling has now gone completely my ankle really hurts at night as the pins hurt when I sleep on my side. However I am sure I will find a way around this (perhaps crochet an ankle pillow perhaps) and this will be sorted when they take some of the metal out in a few months.

I don’t think I’ll be doing the 22 km walk this year – although saying that, it is really Ian’s turn. Talking of that particular horror – for the first time since that dreadful day last April my big toe nails needed cutting. If you remember they fell off in shock and are only just now back to normal. You won’t believe how similar “short stroll then breakfast” and “22 kilometre extremely hard hike” are in Spanish….

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