Friday, February 16, 2007

Foot rot

For a couple of weeks now I have been aware of a hideous smell following me around. I naturally thought it was something to do with one of the animals – or more likely, Ian. However it was with great distress that I found out that the evil smell was in fact coming from me - or, I hasten to add, my walking boots.

So bad was it that I had to investigate further and check that nothing nasty was contained within them. One of my all-time most horrendous life experiences todate (and lets face it there’s a few to choose from) was putting on my Wellington boots one day and finding that my big toe had speared a rotting mouse.

Amazing – 6 months of my boots being forcibly rested and you’d have thought that the fresh air might have done some good – but instead my boots seem to have suffered from fester fast-track.

Well, good old internet – quick search for ‘smelly walking boots’ (which reminds me I do hope we never have to take out computer in somewhere to be mended as I am sure that they will have no end of fun looking at our search history!) showed that what I required was a spoonful of Bicarb.

Of course!

This is a magical, wondrous material. Do you have any idea what it can be used for – well besides removing nasty niffs from walking boots? Whitening marble, cleaning shower curtains, taking stains from socks, removing nasty taste from vacuum flask, to strengthen nails, to soften the skin of new potatoes, to ‘freshen’ the fridge……

Unfortunately I did not have any bicarb but I did have a bathbomb which is 80% bicarb so I dissolved that and popped the lovely lavender liquid into my boots. The lavender would only enhance the new found freshness I thought. I forgot about the lavender flowers however and think I will be spending the next few weeks removing bits of lavender from between my toes. hey ho.

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