Thursday, November 16, 2006


Today I had my first Physio or Rehab session at the hospital. I had a phone call yesterday which was a tad confusing as I was expecting one about an x-ray – however we finally established that it was for rehabilitation and at 8 o clock this morning I reported to the rehab centre. I was prodded, probed, poked around and yet did not feel any pain, at the worst it was a little uncomfortable. They kept telling me to relax which was very difficult as I wasn’t sure if it would hurt when they were bending my ankle. I didn’t like it when they prodded around the pins and plates, I was aware of the sensation which made me feel a little funny.

After an hour and a half we left the hospital and Ian congratulated me on visiting the hospital without crying. He said that was a first. Quite frankly from time to time I do wonder about his sensitivity.

One thing I have really wanted to do is to watch the storks return. I am fascinated by these big ungainly birds who nest in huge bathtub like nests in the most impractical of positions. They disappeared when I was in hospital the first time and we’ve been wondering where they have gone and when they will come back. Do they return to their original nests, are they the same as swans and remain in couples, what do the young do or do the oldies not make it back from wherever they go and the young take the nests…. Ian said he saw a stork on top of the church, but only one and we’ve seen no more. So I wonder what this one did – did he leave a couple of days early to get the pick of the nests?

Needless to say not having any guests the weather has been glorious. It has been lovely during the day, although cold at night. I have taken advantage of the weather to clean and dye some fleece. It is good to get it to dry outside, wet-sheep smell is not a good one for in the house and the sun and wind soon gets it dry. However that has now changed and it rained in buckets overnight. I woke up thinking that someone had left the shower on in the bedroom which would have been quite remarkable seeing we don’t have a shower in the bedroom – anyway, it was the sound of the rain outside. There are rivers again where before there were ditches.

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