Saturday, September 09, 2006


Well, the visit to the healthcentre was a failure yesterday as the healthcentre was shut, although I did enjoy my foray round the village in the wheelchair again. I am not sure quite how this happened – however I thought I had an appointment to get my dressing changed, but it transpired that Friday was a holiday so everything was shut. Bit of a shame as having allowed kittens to play with the bandage (it is great for them to climb up like a climbing post) I am looking a bit tatty. Course, I don’t think that I’ll be welcoming little kitties to climb my leg when they get bigger, and I should be more disciplined now - but they are just little bundles of fluff now and so cute…. So I'll have to go on Monday and get it changed, and then that will definately be it until hospital on Wednesday.

A had a bath last night and it was delightful (it is the bath aspect and not the washing that is newsworthy here you understand). You are either a bath or a shower person and I am definitely a bath person. Try as I might, I cannot get the same pleasure from relaxing with a glass of wine and good book in a shower. And there is nothing relaxing about a shower hanging over the edge of the bath, trying to balance and wash without falling in or out of the bath. So last night I taped my leg up and had a proper bath – just like the old days, but with one leg wedged up by the taps so it didn’t get wet. Apart from the fact I had to be winched out by Ian it was great. I’d only tried a bath once before, and that was early on and I think I was still finding my feet – as it were. I am now a lot more graceful with the hopping and balancing which is why I found it easier. A bit late on – but one thought that I did have was to get a 2 in 1 shampoo to save messing around with rinsing my hair twice.

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