Saturday, September 23, 2006


I have been suffering from the flu – the Spanish word for which is Gripe, how appropriate! I’ve spent the last 10 or so days in bed which is why we’ve been blog-silent.

Last Wednesday I went back to the hospital as arranged for an x-ray and to see the consultant. I was very disappointed when the consultant said that I was to spend another 2 months in plaster, and that it will be November at the earliest before I can start putting weight on my foot.

Later that day I fell on my foot quite badly. It was my own stupid fault, I used my crutches to go down the steps from my workshop and missed the last one and fell. It was the same time that my temperature started and I was worried that this might have been as a result of my fall. However it was just co-incidence and the start of flu.

There’s not a lot else to report – however I am sure that when I am back truly in the land of the living I will be full of interesting tales to recount…

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